Sunday 24 March 2013

               Stages of Mesothelioma
The term staging is used to define the extent to which the cancer has proliferated. The stage of mesothelioma is determined through the use of imaging tests such as MRI scans and this determination strongly affects a patient’s prognosis.
Staging only exists for the most common form of mesothelioma.
1. pleural. Staging is usually tracked using the Butchart system, which is based primarily on the size of the tumor and numbers the stages 1, 2, 3 and 4.

              Butchart Staging System

 Stage 1: The cancer is located in one side of the pleural membrane and occasionally the pericardium, diaphragm, or lung on that side.
Stage 2: The cancer has spread to the chest and/or the esophagus, both sides of the pleura, or the heart. Cancerous cells may also be present in the lymph nodes.

Stage 3: The cancer has spread to the peritoneum via the diaphragm. The cancer may also be found in the lymph nodes located outside of the chest cavity.
Stage 4: The cancer has spread extensively.
TNM Staging System
The recently developed TNM staging system is based on the tumor (T), the lymph nodes (N), and the amount of metastasis (M). Like the Butchart system, the numbers 1 through 4 are used to identify the appropriate stage.
Stage 1: The cancer is located in one side of the pleural membrane and occasionally the pericardium, diaphragm, or lung on that side.
Stage 2: The cancer may be located in the pericardium, mediastinum, diaphragm, and lung, though it remains located on one side of the chest. The cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes or distant sites.
Stage 3: The cancer has spread to the heart, esophagus, muscle of the chest wall, and ribs, as well as other organs located on the same side as the tumor. Stage 3 also includes those mesotheliomas which have spread to lymph nodes but the local spread is similar to that of the second stage.
Stage 4: The cancer spreads to the lymph nodes located across from the main tumor or into the pleural membrane, peritoneum, or other organ in the abdomen or the neck. Stage 4 also includes cancers which have extensively metastasized.

The Butchart system is still the most widely-accepted staging system when determining the stages of pleural mesothelioma. The concept of a stage is necessary for determining a patient’s most likely prognosis, as well as deciding what the appropriate treatment option would be.

                                      Prognostic Factors

There is a greater knowledge base regarding the risks surrounding pleural mesothelioma as opposed to the other types. This is due to the fact that it has been better studied as it is the predominant form of the illness. It has been found that the younger the patient and the greater their general health, the more likely they are to have a positive prognosis.
Of the three different forms of mesothelioma, epithelial mesothelioma results in the more positive prognosis. Biphasic mesothelioma is second in terms of seriousness, and fibrosarcomatous mesothelioma has the least favorable results.

                                    Mesothelioma Cancer

Previously, diagnosing mesothelioma in its early stages had been a difficult, almost impossible task, because the early symptoms of this disease resemble those of similar diseases and sometimes even basic illnesses. The severity of mesothelioma is defined by four stages, with prognosis becoming bleaker as each stage progresses, so the discovery of symptoms in the first two stages is essential for ensuring a greater mesothelioma life expectancy. Additionally, the difficulty in diagnosing mesothelioma cancer is caused by a long latency period, meaning that it can take decades between the initial exposure to asbestos and development of symptoms. However, if you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos and experiences initial symptoms such as chest pain, violent coughing, and fatigue, it is IMPORTANT  that you consult with a physician immediately.

Veterans and Mesothelioma

During the better part of the 20th century, the United States Armed Forces used asbestos in the production of many types of ships, buildings and vehicles, thus exposing countless soldiers and workers to this terrible mineral. At its peak, asbestos was used predominantly in factories during World War II and many U.S. veterans suffered from mesothelioma as a result, because the harmful effects of asbestos were not known until decades later. Even now, as asbestos use and production has declined significantly, many veterans could still be afflicted, unaware of the early symptoms of mesothelioma cancer.

The Mesothelioma Resource  offers a comprehensive list of American naval vessels and military ships that were produced using asbestos, as well as a state-by-state directory of Veterans Affairs center and hospitals to assist service men and women who are suffering from mesothelioma.

                                Treatment of Mesothelioma

Because of mesothelioma’s great latency period, treating mesothelioma is CHALLENGING, but there is hope in recent research and clinical trials. Current medical treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, and most patients choose to undergo a combination of these processes in order to increase their life expectancy. But survivors of mesothelioma have shown that treatment goes beyond hospitals, and that prognosis can be better for patients through healthy dieting, regular exercise and a variety of alternative therapies. Additionally, experimental treatments are available to individual patients depending on their stage progression.

The prognosis for malignant mesothelioma is rarely favorable, which is why early diagnosis is so  important. Yet as mentioned above, there are great strides being taken in the medical and scientific communities to ensure that life expectancy and survival rates continue to climb for patients as researchers continue to find a cure.

Legal Options
People suffering from mesothelioma have almost always been unknowingly exposed to asbestos either in the workplace or through the use of household items that contain the hazardous mineral. After diagnosis, medical bills can be overwhelming and once prognosis is achieved a patient has his family to consider as well. There are legal options available for mesothelioma victims to help achieve just compensation.

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